CS373 Fall 2020: Katherine Hsu
Blog #10
What did you do this past week?
Our group met up this week to delegate tasks for IDB3. I also started on the IDB3 project this week and looked up some tutorials on React. In addition, I also worked on projects in my other classes and had an interview.
What’s in your way?
For this phase, I’m in charge of some of the front end. I was working on back end for the past 2 phases, and I don’t have too much experience with React. I’ll have to keep searching up tutorials in order to finish my part of the project.
What will you do next week?
Next week I’ll work on finishing up IDB3 with my group. We also need to implement our user stories we got from our customer. I’ll also have registration next week, and I still have to decide on my classes for next semester. I’ll have to set up some time to look through the course schedule and decide.
If you read it, what did you think of The Interface Segregation Principle?
I thought it was an interesting read. I had never read anything about this before, and it was nice to learn more about this topic. It seems like it will help me with code design with interfaces.
What was your experience of instance methods, class methods, static methods, regular expressions, and relational algebra? (this question will vary, week to week)
These topics were new to me, since I never learned about these topics with Python before. I might have to go over regular expressions and relational algebra more, but these topics seem pretty easy to understand in class.
What made you happy this week?
The weather finally cooled down this week, and that made me happy. I prefer cold weather over hot weather, and I’m glad it finally feels like fall now. I like taking walks outside when it’s cooler, so I did that a lot this week.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week would be getting at least 7 hours of sleep. When schoolwork piles up, it’s easy to want to stay up really late to finish everything. But I’ve noticed that getting enough sleep affects me a lot, and I can enjoy life more when I sleep enough.