CS373 Fall 2020: Katherine Hsu
Blog #4
What did you do this past week?
I finished up the Collatz project on Monday, and I also finished a project for another CS class. I had some other homework to finish for my Marketing and Design Thinking classes, and I attended some virtual company events.
What’s in your way?
I need to properly set up Docker before I start the next project. I was able to finish Collatz without Docker, but I should still set it up as soon as possible. Also, I need to read the workflow and piazza for the current project again so that I understand exactly what’s expected of us.
What will you do next week?
My team and I will need to come up with a topic that we want to work on for our project. We’ll also need to start working on our project. I’m also going to virtual career fair next week, and I’ll have to prepare myself for that. I’ll also continue to apply to internships and work on other homework for my other classes.
What was your experience of exceptions, IDB1, and types? (this question will vary, week to week)
I think I understand exceptions well now, since we covered python exceptions in class. I’ve also learned about them in other classes. I’m not very familiar with IDB1, so I’m looking forward to learning about it when I work on the next project and also throughout this class. We also covered types in class, but I think I still have a lot to learn about python types.
What made you happy this week?
This week wasn’t very busy for me, and I had time to relax. This made me happy because last week was very busy for me and I finally had some time for myself. During my free time I watched youtube, did some journaling, and took some walks outside.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to create a spreadsheet for the internships you’re applying to. If you’re applying to a lot, it’s easy to lose track of which companies you’ve applied to. I recommend listing the company name, the type of internship you applied to, a link to their website, and your status.